Jessica Hardin
Team Member Since 2010

What year did you start working with Horizon?
What's the best part of your job?
I love building relationships with customers and fellow employees. I enjoy hearing everyone's stories.
What was your first car?
'88 Toyota Corolla
What is your favorite place you've travelled?
I loved going to St. Croix . I loved Scuba Diving and exploring the island!!
What is a goal you want to accomplish in the upcoming year?
I am looking forward to more travels and traveling internationally for the first time!
Where is somewhere you've never been but would like to go?
Iceland, Ireland, England. A trip to Spain is already planned in April.
What pets do you have and what are their names?
I have a cat, Grayson, a crested Gecko named Mia, and a freshwater fishtank.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
spendSt. Patricks Day has always been my favorite holiday! It's all about ing time with family and friends! And I love Corned Beef and cabbage!
What words best describe your dance skills?
Swinging and silly
What's your favorite movie?
Jurassic Park
What is your favorite tv show?
How I met your mother
What's the best dish you can cook?
I make a great Chicken Paprikash with Dumplings!
What was the name of your favorite stuffed animal, blanket, or imaginary friend?
I had a Figment of your Imagination stuffed dragon from Disney that I took everywhere with me for a couple years.
What is your favorite restaurant?
Lucy's in Jackson Ward
What's your favorite candy?
Reeses cups or Dark Chocolate
Where were you born?
Cleveland, Ohio
What superhero are you most like?
Deadpool. Bad humor and determination when I set my mind to something
If you had to spend at least six straight months as a wild animal, which would you choose and why?
I'd be a mammal.. Baby shark I'd love to explore the ocean worlds
Who is most influential in your life?
I have a great social circle that is encouraging in all aspects of my life
What are your hobbies?
Pottery, Gardening, cooking
What sports do you follow? Do you have a favorite team?
I enjoy a Baseball game, Go Indians!
What household chore do you like doing the least?
What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done?
LOL Have you met me? Moving to Chicago on a whim was pretty crazy.
If you could live in any other time period, which would you choose?
I think the 50's would be fun! I love all the cars, music, and the dresses
What achievement are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of Graduating College at Kent State! It was a great experience and I learned a lot, academically and personally.