Mark Gibson
Team Member

What year did you start working with Horizon?
What's the best part of your job?
2 Parts: Providing solutions and learning.
What was your first car?
Honda Civic
What is your favorite place you've travelled?
Florida Keys
What is a goal you want to accomplish in the upcoming year?
Growth within all aspects of my Horizon Forest Products career.
Where is somewhere you've never been but would like to go?
What pets do you have and what are their names?
A dog named Milo.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving. Festivities w/ family and the food.
What words best describe your dance skills?
Dad please stop.
What's your favorite movie?
Hud w/ Paul Newman.
What is your favorite tv show?
Ray Donovan
What's the best dish you can cook?
Broccoli casserole
What was the name of your favorite stuffed animal, blanket, or imaginary friend?
I seriously have no recollection of any of these.
What is your favorite restaurant?
Lewis BBQ
What's your favorite candy?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Where were you born?
Cookeville, TN
What superhero are you most like?
If you had to spend at least six straight months as a wild animal, which would you choose and why?
Great White Shark. Beachside buffet!
Who is most influential in your life?
My mother.
What are your hobbies?
Gym and guitar.
What sports do you follow? Do you have a favorite team?
College football. Auburn University.
What household chore do you like doing the least?
What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done?
If you could live in any other time period, which would you choose?
Ancient Greece.
What achievement are you most proud of?
My 3 kids.